Optimizing the Work of Surgeons

Surgical Devices, Inc. was founded in 2002 by an Orthopedic surgeon looking for a “hands free” way to manipulate knee flexion and extension during surgery with the introduction of the SPEEDBUMP™ knee positioner. We are a boutique firm focused on researching and developing innovative surgical products specifically for orthopedic surgeons to enhance the delivery of medicine in the ever changing environment of healthcare by emphasizing reduced cost while improving surgeon efficiency and patient care. We have the capabilities necessary to meet the individual needs of our domestic and international customers.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non vulputate leo. Sed libero velit, congue at sapien et, porttitor pretium nibh. Sed ullamcorper tempor diam eu maximus. Vestibulum vitae enim in tellus lacinia blandit porta vel turpis. Sed finibus ullamcorper porta. Suspendisse eget mi nulla. Ut semper vel elit ac blandit. Morbi porttitor nulla ut mauris blandit imperdiet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non vulputate leo. Sed libero velit, congue at sapien et, porttitor pretium nibh. Sed ullamcorper tempor diam eu maximus. Vestibulum vitae enim in tellus lacinia blandit porta vel turpis. Sed finibus ullamcorper porta. Suspendisse eget mi nulla. Ut semper vel elit ac blandit. Morbi porttitor nulla ut mauris blandit imperdiet.

Holiday Schedule

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non vulputate leo. Sed libero velit, congue at sapien et, porttitor pretium nibh. Sed ullamcorper tempor diam eu maximus. Vestibulum vitae enim in tellus lacinia blandit porta vel turpis. Sed finibus ullamcorper porta. Suspendisse eget mi nulla. Ut semper vel elit ac blandit. Morbi porttitor nulla ut mauris blandit imperdiet.